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World-famous writers and poets sometimes keep in the background of heroes and characters that they created in their works. The reader occasionally gives effort in identification these heroes with their writers. The fact that the characters come to the fore often shows that the character and the theme in the works touched the theme. Cervantes’ Don Quixote, C. Aytmatov’s mankurt theme are clearly indicators of that.
The thing making C. Aytmatov different from other writers is his characters and themes which always come earlier than the intention he wanted to create. In this respect, Aytmatov’s works will always take readers’ attention; they will keep their freshness as long as the literature exists.
How did C. Aytmatov, who is behind the works, improve himself? Where did he gain his power in the fields of literature and art?
The study covers C. Aytmotov himself as the main topic. With respect to his known and seen facts, the study will also touch upon C. Aytmatov’s professional qualifications.